Backyard Bowling

Backyard bowling

By |February 14th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Backyard Bowling

Evade and Eliminate

Evade and eliminate

By |February 14th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Evade and Eliminate

Counselor Hunt

Counselor Hunt (number game)

By |February 13th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Counselor Hunt

Meteor Strike

Meteor Strike

By |February 13th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Meteor Strike

Pumpkin Chronicles

Pumpkin Chronicles

By |February 13th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Pumpkin Chronicles

Fun and Games Until…

It’s all fun and games until…
…You don’t plan appropriately.

Know the environment.

Who – audience Not just age but tone of particular group (Are there certain challenges?)
This applies to adults as well. Use past experience to enable future experiment.
What – conditions, equipment Look for dangerous elements–natural/otherwise.
Make sure space and equipment is safe and sufficient. […]

By |February 7th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Fun and Games Until…



Pick teams randomly
Give each team something to wear—e.g., camo, headband, frilly aprons


Call participants “chefs”
Explain challenge—prepare two items with provided ingredients, one appetizer and one dessert
Teams may prepare two of each, but only present one of each for judging.
Host kitchen etiquette (find out if hosts have any)

Don’t abuse the host’s […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Chopped



By |January 30th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Cannons