Organizational Behaviors

The staff members of High Point Camp have been entrusted with the task of stewarding the camp ministry.  Because High Point is a Christian camp and because we want to serve and minister well, it is crucial that the staff maintain a level of professionalism, pursue growth, and treat fellow employees in a godly and […]

By |March 2nd, 2018|Full-Time Staff|Comments Off on Organizational Behaviors

Strength Sorting

Strength Sort Challenge
The basic premise of the challenge is to hand 100+ cards to an individual (cards roughly the size of playing cards). Each card has a specific “strength” listed on it. The person doing the challenge looks at each strength card and makes two piles. Either a “yes that’s me” pile or a “no […]

By |January 31st, 2018|Full-Time Staff|Comments Off on Strength Sorting