Be Prepared to Counsel

Be prepared!

Be sure that you are a clean vessel, usable by God.
Have your Bible in hand, mapped out in advance.
Don’t wait to be called on; move as you see the need.

Use a lighted area or have a flashlight to read the Scripture.
Ask the camper why he came forward.
Regardless […]

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Four Components of Counseling

Understand the problem (Proverbs 18:13; James 1:19).


Give hope (1 John 1:9; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:15–16).
Present the decision (Romans 6:6–7, 12–13; Philippians 4:6–9).
Develop a plan (Romans 12:1–2; James 1:22–25).

Every component is important!

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What Is a Counselor?

Everybody will be a counselor. When we call you a counselor, what does that mean? A biblical counselor is a committed, maturing believer who is trained to apply biblical principles to deal with the problems of everyday living.

The Bible is our foundation and our tool (Psalm 1; Ecclesiastes 12:13–14; 2 Timothy 3:16–17).

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My Testimony

Using your personal testimony as you seek an opening with a camper to begin a spiritual conversation is a powerful tool. No one can argue with it, for it is your testimony and your experience, and you are simply telling your story.

You can begin a conversation without zeroing in on the camper with whom you […]

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The Spiritual Ladder

An Object Lesson Illustrating the Steps to Spiritual Maturity
During a summer staff counselor training session in Ironwood’s early years, a question was asked that I realized had been asked before and would likely be asked again. The question was along these lines, “After I counsel campers and they make a decision for the Lord, what’s […]

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General Principles

Keep the camp purpose in mind.
Come expecting to work.

Special duties
Extra duties
Above and beyond the call of duty

You are responsible for attitudes at camp.

Participation—make the campers want to
Camp loyalty—no griping
Servant or selfishness

Be careful about forcing decisions from young people.

Don’t twist arms, but don’t […]

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