Summer Staff Newsletter

This 1/2 page front and back newsletter example provides specifics when plans change or a special event occurs. It also contains devotional thoughts to keep staff focused on mission. And it also forced our director to review the schedule the night before to keep things running smoothly. We put it in staff box nightly.


By |March 1st, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Summer Staff Newsletter

How to Use Object Lessons

How to use object lessons


Zoned out!  Out to lunch!  Deer in headlights!  Mental wandering in a brainless wasteland!  Are these the phrases that are used to describe your lessons?  Do you have difficulty getting the attention of your audience?  Object lessons can be a valuable tool or a harmful distraction depending on how you use […]

By |February 16th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on How to Use Object Lessons

10 Things Your Team Wants

We did a survey a few months back that asked our staff team, “What do wish was communicated better?”  The list was helpful for every staff member to realize what little pieces of communication where helpful.  I would use this list as a way to encourage every staff member to make sure these 10 items […]

By |February 16th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on 10 Things Your Team Wants

Morning Meeting Basics

Start and Stop

8:00 a.m.—be prepared, mentally there, not rushed
Walking in the last minute, one less snooze
Mission statement


Communicating—changes, needs, reminders
Tying temporal work to eternal benefit
Being a team—winning and losing together


Family news
Field trips
Testimony time

Specific person
Spiritual benefit

Prayer requests
Prayer time
Teaching about […]

By |January 31st, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Morning Meeting Basics

Meeting Room Distractions


By |January 31st, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Meeting Room Distractions

Ingredients of an Announcement

Ingredients of an Announcement

Moment of attention

Make it clear, quick, and with chutzpah—own the platform.
Participation—don’t beg or whine for it, squander it, or demand 100% of it.
If you don’t have their attention, it doesn’t matter what you say.

Lean, simple words

Use the least number of words to get the announcement made.

By |January 30th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Ingredients of an Announcement


Icebreakers, Warmups & Stunts
A Simple, Low Cost Way to Create Community & Camaraderie
Stranger: a person who is unacquainted with someone or unaccustomed to something
Community: a group of people living in somewhat close association, and usually under common rules
Camraderie: a spirit of familiarity and trust existing between friends


Bring everybody together to one spot.
Create […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Icebreakers

Others First Communication


By |January 30th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Others First Communication


Seven Things You Should Know Before Making Your First Announcement

You have an announcement voice.

It is not your indoor voice, and it is not your outdoor voice.
It is usually slower, deeper, and louder than your normal voice.
Use proper diction—avoid twang, slang, and euphemisms.
Don’t be self-conscious with it—get used to it; practice […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Announcements