About bethh

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So far bethh has created 136 blog entries.



Pick teams randomly
Give each team something to wear—e.g., camo, headband, frilly aprons


Call participants “chefs”
Explain challenge—prepare two items with provided ingredients, one appetizer and one dessert
Teams may prepare two of each, but only present one of each for judging.
Host kitchen etiquette (find out if hosts have any)

Don’t abuse the host’s […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Chopped



By |January 30th, 2018|Games|Comments Off on Cannons

Ironwood Camp Fees


By |January 30th, 2018|Finances|Comments Off on Ironwood Camp Fees

Philosophy of Service

Philosophy of the Camper Services Team
Campers are our focus, Service is what we do, and Team is how we do it.

First impression is a lasting impression.
I Corinthians 10:31
Judges 7:19-21
Proverbs 18:19
Proverbs 24:30-34
Eliminate distractions.
Mark 8:1-9
James 2:15-17
Finish right.
Matthew 25:14-30
Serving staff serves campers better.
Matthew 25:31-46 (40)
Judges 7:21-22
Exercise Efficient Quality.
I Corinthians 4:1-2
Proverbs 24:30-34
Proverbs 22:29
Never […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Policies & Procedures|Comments Off on Philosophy of Service

Adventure Basics

Adventure Basics
The phone rang. The teen boy on the phone asked, “Are you free? Would you take us on an adventure today?” It occurred to me that he and his friend weren’t looking for a specific activity to do. They were looking for the sense of adventure that we had enjoyed on previous youth activities. […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Resources (PG)|Comments Off on Adventure Basics


Seven Things You Should Know Before Making Your First Announcement

You have an announcement voice.

It is not your indoor voice, and it is not your outdoor voice.
It is usually slower, deeper, and louder than your normal voice.
Use proper diction—avoid twang, slang, and euphemisms.
Don’t be self-conscious with it—get used to it; practice […]

By |January 30th, 2018|Communication|Comments Off on Announcements

Do As I Do

Verbal puzzles work great as time wasters, transitions, or puzzles of youth group tradition. Standing in line at an amusement park for three hours seems to fly by with a handful of these at your disposal. Most of them ask for a participant to repeat a relatively simple task that, to your observers, seems quite […]

By |January 15th, 2018|Cabin Life|Comments Off on Do As I Do

Would You Rather

This series of questions is designed to stimulate conversation, understand values, and have fun in the process. Ask several in a row or just one at a time. Let the participants defend their choice and most importantly, make sure they don’t answer with “neither one,” “both,” or “I don’t know.” Each camper (and the counselor!) […]

By |January 15th, 2018|Cabin Life|Comments Off on Would You Rather

Have You Ever . . .

Walked on stilts?
Eaten cow tongue or heart?
Helped an animal give birth?
Eaten two raw oysters?
Been to a professional world championship game?
Written a letter to the editor?
Climbed a tree to rescue a cat?
Played catch with a raw egg?
Kept a piece of chewed gum overnight and chewed it again?

By |January 15th, 2018|Cabin Life|Comments Off on Have You Ever . . .

Getting to Know You

How do you get to know someone? Your first impression tells you very little. It is impossible to get to know youth if you don’t ask them questions. These “Getting to Know You” questions are designed to be used for several different reasons.

They can be good conversation starters when you first meet your campers.

By |January 15th, 2018|Cabin Life|Comments Off on Getting to Know You