Doc Einwoodstein Family Reunion

Who is the Heir Apparent


The Legend of Doc Einwoodstein – Once upon a time there lived a man simply known as Doc.  He was brilliant.  No  . . . beyond brilliant, he was nuclearistic.  He was talented.  No . . . beyond talented, he was excellentabulous.  Doc Einwoodstein was a scientist, a doctor, a genius, an inventor, a public speaker and he owns the whole set.  Doc Einwoodstein is the patriarch of the Einwoodstien family.  But Doc has disappeared.  Theories and questions abound but one thing is for certain.  The family needs a patriarch, a leader, a person to carry the mantle of protecting the family traditions.  Your counselor has aspirations to be that person . . .


Round of All – Dress the part


Round of 12 – Introductions (Name and unique invention (imaginary and meeting a need, bonus points for a beta version or sample))


Round of 8 – Talents (demonstratable and the less like a talent the better)


Round of 4 – Question and Answer

  • 3 Questions (start simple and grow to longer answers)
    • What is your favorite desert?
    • Who is your hero?
    • What is one subject you would add to school and why?


Round of 2 – Final Arguments (open forum for about a minute)

  • Second talents
  • Say a poem
  • Beg
  • Share a sob story
  • Promise what you can not deliver.  Make it obvious you will not carry it out.



  • Judge A has been a judge for over 53 years and got his/her start judging kindergarten poetry.  Lifetime achievements include first alternate judge to the national spelling bee and a C+ in science.
  • Judge B
  • Judge C


  • Big horn (lie detector horn) (I would prefer a gong but don’t have one right now)
  • 7-10 Lantern lights


  • Contestant lanyards (kinda like a spelling bee)
  • Put in posts around campfire
  • Judge introductions
  • Set up the judges panel
  • Sound????
  • Video advertisement