We did a survey a few months back that asked our staff team, “What do wish was communicated better?”  The list was helpful for every staff member to realize what little pieces of communication where helpful.  I would use this list as a way to encourage every staff member to make sure these 10 items are part of their communication repertoire.


  1. When you miss a deadline
  2. Expectation of what a good job is (time spent, quality achieved)
  3. Say, “Good Job” when you see it]
  4. Anything broke to the person responsible for it
  5. Schedule changes
  6. Change in procedure
  7. Response to talking . . . something that says I heard what you said
  8. My location – if I am sick or out of the office or gone for an hour
  9. New responsibilities
  10. I Love You . . . this only works if you do really love others.