Start and Stop

  • 8:00 a.m.—be prepared, mentally there, not rushed
  • Walking in the last minute, one less snooze
  • Mission statement


  • Communicating—changes, needs, reminders
  • Tying temporal work to eternal benefit
  • Being a team—winning and losing together


  • Family news
  • Field trips
  • Testimony time
    • Remember
    • Share
    • Specific person
    • Spiritual benefit
  • History
  • Announcements
  • Prayer requests
  • Prayer time
  • Teaching about camp
  • Teaching about life
  • Trivia/game
  • Fun time
  • Family meeting
  • Repetition

How Do I Get Involved?

  • Sit by different people and in different places.
  • Remember anything that shows our purpose accomplished—you are on the front line.
  • Listen and apply.
  • Use the discussion as a topic for discussion during work.
  • Thank God for the privilege of being part of His work.

Be Careful

  • Not everything should be share with family and friends
  • Don’t dominate or disappear
  • Use that time to remember what you should have thought of earlier

Prayer Meetings

  • When non-summer camp is in session, teams will meet with their director for a five to ten-minute prayer meeting focusing on the speaker and the campers.
  • The meeting should begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. unless another time has been set by the director due to the team’s work schedule.