Meeting Manager


  1. Before Service
    1. Lights on/doors unlocked climate controlled 20 minutes before service (goal to be the first one to be in the room)
    2. Meet with the song leader 15 minutes before the session (at least the first session)
    3. Review order of service (prepared by Camp coordinator or his designee) for props and handouts and special needs (offering hats, eval forms, stunts can be delegated to mm by cc)
    4. Batteries in microphones checked (replaced if less than 2/3 charged) Be sure that there is a good inventory of batteries for the mics you will need for the retreat—restocking can be done from first chance and signed out PG AV.
    5. Sound system turned on and levels checked. (including a sound check for all mics and recording levels that will be needed)
    6. Clear the sound desk of clutter—put trash in trash can and unknown items in the provided bin.
    7. Mic fitted for speaker at first session (probably need to have a helper prepared to do this)
    8. Mic fitted for Music Leader and turned on / mute off.
    9. Song PPT up and reviewed with song leader (be sure to check order and verses not just titles)
    10. Projector or TV on and warmed up 15 minutes before session
    11. Audacity open and ready
    12. Check cry room sound and comfort level if needed
    13. Music for room if time allows—caution to stop music completely when session starts
  2. During Service
    1. Turn up speaker’s microphone and song leader down for smooth transition
    2. Start Audacity recording
    3. Turn off Projector/TV or switch input (whichever applies)
    4. Exit out of PPT if needed set speaker up for any video needs
    5. Stay tuned in (able to notice comfort needs and distractions, able to make adjustments for these, aware of main points and decisions presented for session—tags for audacity and concluding statements/invitation)
    6. Communicate with speaker ahead of time if you plan to step out of the room—the goal is to not leave the speaker alone during any sponsored camps or camps which chose recordings as a premium. For custom groups, let one of their people know how to reach you and show them simple things regarding comfort and sound so that they can solve simple problems on their own.
  3. After Service
    1. Stop Audacity
    2. Turn off sound in correct order
    3. Retrieve and turn off microphones (notice battery levels and replace now if time allows)
    4. Edit Audacity and export file saved with title and speaker (you will need to ask the speaker for this)
    5. Tidy room, shut off lights, be sure that projector is off and not just dark screen
    6. Clear the sound desk of clutter—put trash in trash can and unknown items in the provided bin.


  1. Click on red button “Record” at start of message
  2. “Stop” at end of message
  3. Adjust volume through sound board or audacity “slider” so that the visual display shows variety that averages near the .5 level (spiking at 1 is fine but the recording will be distorted if 1 is hit routinely) Softer than .5 is fine and can be edited easily if more “volume” is desired)
  4. Beginning
    1. Delete partial stories or things that won’t be understood by a wider audience from the recording start.
    2. If needed because of deletions, generate 0.5 seconds of silence
    3. Fade in (over at least 3 seconds, beginning with the first word of the speaker not the beginning of the silence)
  5. End
    1. Delete long invitations or any concluding remarks (If you are responsible to close the service it is best to leave the recording going while you make your way to the front of the room during the prayer.)
    2. Consider whether to keep or delete the closing prayer and/or invitation from the recording (the speaker may use these to review and present the decisions)
    3. Fade out if you choose to not include the entire closing (prayer and invitation)
  6. Export or Save project
    1. Audacity should never be left on without at least saving the project
    2. Exporting the file to the desktop is best, then drop the files in a folder for that camp—ideally, a shortcut to filesharea/program/audio visual/recorded session/, then choose the best folder to use