Philosophy of the Camper Services Team

Campers are our focus, Service is what we do, and Team is how we do it.

  1. First impression is a lasting impression.
    I Corinthians 10:31
    Judges 7:19-21
    Proverbs 18:19
    Proverbs 24:30-34
  2. Eliminate distractions.
    Mark 8:1-9
    James 2:15-17
  3. Finish right.
    Matthew 25:14-30
  4. Serving staff serves campers better.
    Matthew 25:31-46 (40)
    Judges 7:21-22
  5. Exercise Efficient Quality.
    I Corinthians 4:1-2
    Proverbs 24:30-34
    Proverbs 22:29
  6. Never stop teaching.
    II Timothy 2:2
    Galatians 6:6
  7. Have a “can do” attitude.
    Ecclesiastes 9:10
    Nehemiah 4:6
  8. Prioritize flexibility.
    Nehemiah 4:18
  9. Service is our privilege.
    Matthew 20:28
    II Corinthians 4:17-18
    Acts 20:35
    II Corinthians 12:15

Inspect what you expect. 

No one is indispensable.