Icebreakers, Warmups & Stunts

A Simple, Low Cost Way to Create Community & Camaraderie

Stranger: a person who is unacquainted with someone or unaccustomed to something
Community: a group of people living in somewhat close association, and usually under common rules
Camraderie: a spirit of familiarity and trust existing between friends

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Bring everybody together to one spot.
    2. Create a location where everyone is engaged—avoid easy ways to sit on the outside and watch.
    3. Provide leadership of tone and direction.
  2. Do
    1. Encourage everyone’s participation even when highlighting just a few—cheering for favorite; rock, paper, scissors.
    2. Learn about each other—three-word life story, group records.
    3. Prepare the auditorium to do these at a moment’s notice.
    4. Reward winners to encourage participation.
    5. Be random with who is up front.
    6. Use props to be visually enjoyable—balloon roundup and brand, balloon stampede, frozen t-shirt.
    7. Keep them wanting more.
  3. Don’t
    1. Get caught in a rut.
    2. Humiliate a participant—this will discourage future participation.
    3. Pick the most energetic volunteer.
    4. Make the opener the highlight of the service.
  4. Remember
    1. Camp meetings are not church services.
    2. Openers can be a great way to change from being active outside to listening intently inside.
    3. Your end goal is to create camaraderie, which becomes a building block for so much more!