Developing Relationships with Church Coordinators

  • Recognize the value of a Church coordinator
    • They influence leadership
    • They communicate value
    • They are personally invested in the task
    • They are connected to the mission. Their work affects both ministry and margin.
  • Understand your role in supporting their role
    • To inform
      • Share with them the options
      • Share with them the limitations
      • Share with your team necessary information
    • To encourage
    • To understand
      • Their goals and purpose
      • The challenges of their context
      • The best ways to communicate with them
    • To solve problems
    • To teach
    • To improve their experience
      • Use the evaluation of last year to prepare them for the choices of this year
      • Share the new improvements in property and program
  • Use the opportunities of the time they are at camp to develop the relationship and accomplish their mission.
    • Early arrival
    • The groups responses to the various activities
    • One on one
    • With their team
    • Develop a tentative plan for next year
  • Finish with thanks
    • Take the time to communicate as they depart
    • Send a thank you note