

  • Pick teams randomly
  • Give each team something to wear—e.g., camo, headband, frilly aprons


  • Call participants “chefs”
  • Explain challenge—prepare two items with provided ingredients, one appetizer and one dessert
    Teams may prepare two of each, but only present one of each for judging.
  • Host kitchen etiquette (find out if hosts have any)
    • Don’t abuse the host’s stuff
    • Listen to the host
    • Don’t be demanding
  • Judging criteria
    • Presentation
    • Overall taste
    • Use of mystery ingredients
    • Creativity
    •  Teams need to select a spokesperson for the follow-up interview


  • Provided ingredients (available but not required to be used)
    • Chocolate syrup
    • Wafer cookies
    • Oatmeal
    • Garlic
    • Butter
    • Eggs
    • Sugar
    • Onion
    • Chocolate pudding (x2)
    • Tapioca pudding
    • Chocolate cake mix
    • Oreos
    • Tortillas
    • Strawberry
    • Banana
    • Tomato
    • Whipped cream
    • Mini peppers (red, yellow, orange)
    • Potatoes
    • Bacon bits
    • Pancake mix
  • Mystery ingredients (must be used)
    • For appetizer: Polish sausage & pineapple
    • For dessert: corn nuts & coffee
  • Speed bumps
    • 5 minutes after start: have each team pick a player to trade with the other team
    • Mid way: Introduce mystery ingredients
    • 40 minutes after start: introduce bacon (must be used)


  • What did you make?
  • Do you think it will taste good? Why?
  • Who do you hope the judges will be? Why?
  • What did you do with the mystery item?
  • What do think the other team’s made?
  • What are your chances of winning?


  • Introduce judges
  • Review judging criteria
  • Introduce each team’s spokesperson
  • Spokesperson for each team introduces one appetizer and one dessert
  • Judges comment
  • Judges give decision