This series of questions is designed to stimulate conversation, understand values, and have fun in the process. Ask several in a row or just one at a time. Let the participants defend their choice and most importantly, make sure they don’t answer with “neither one,” “both,” or “I don’t know.” Each camper (and the counselor!) must make a decision between the two choices.3

  1. Be rich or famous?
  2. Die by fire or drowning?
  3. Steal from an old lady or laugh out loud at a funeral?
  4. Sweat because of exercise or humidity?
  5. Watch TV or read a book?
  6. Drink Coke or Pepsi?
  7. Have the power to fly or disappear?
  8. Step in dog droppings barefoot or have a bird dropping hit you on your head?
  9. Have blistered lips or paper cuts on each finger?
  10. Give up your favorite food forever or TV for two years?
  11. Eat Mexican or Chinese food?
  12. Be bald or have no toes?
  13. Hang wallpaper or scrub floors?
  14. Eat too little and be hungry or too much and be sick?
  15. Die without warning or slowly, surrounded by family?
  16. Be obese or emaciated?
  17. Be embarrassed in front of friends or strangers?
  18. Wake up to music or an alarm?
  19. Live in the city or in the country?
  20. Have your leg or arm amputated?
  21. Be grossed out or frightened?
  22. Pay for a $100 traffic ticket or lose $100?
  23. Be hot or cold?
  24. Watch a drama or a comedy?
  25. Be 7’6’’ tall or 4’2’’?
  26. Own a cabin in the woods or a beach house?
  27. Wet your pants in private or pass gas in a crowded room?
  28. Go blind or deaf?
  29. Be trapped in an elevator or caught in bumper traffic?
  30. Be bald or have terrible acne?
  31. Have a housekeeper or a chauffeur?
  32. Have excessive nose or ear hair?
  33. Be gossiped about or lied to?
  34. Read fiction or nonfiction?
  35. Skydive or hang glide?
  36. Eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dish soap?
  37. Have a stupid haircut or a fat lip?
  38. Be known as arrogant or untrustworthy?
  39. Get a doctor’s shot or a dentist’s filling?
  40. Swim like a fish or fly like a bird?
  41. Be yelled at by a friend or stranger?
  42. Die by guillotine or firing squad?
  43. Be married to someone who can’t see or can’t hear?
  44. Have 12 kids or none?
  45. Lose both index fingers or six toes?
  46. Be nearsighted or farsighted?
  47. See your best friend go to jail for ten years or go yourself for a year?
  48. Have a large growth covering your face or never be able to talk to anybody else?
  49. Bite your tongue or burn it?
  50. Stay in one place and have lots of friends or travel all over and have just a few?
  51. Hit your knee on a table or your elbow on a corner?
  52. Step in Jell-O or mashed potatoes?
  53. Believe you are right, stand your ground, and have someone say “I hate you!” or compromise?
  54. Be trampled by humans during a riot or kicked around by a rodeo bull?
  55. Sneeze for an hour or hiccup for an hour?
  56. Walk under a ladder or step on a crack?
  57. Wear someone else’s dirty socks or dirty shirt?
  58. Live in fear or die in bravery?
  59. Give your time or your money?
  60. Be convicted of something you didn’t do or see someone else convicted for something you did?
  61. Walk three miles to school every day or be dropped off in front of your friends at school with an old beat-up clunker?
  62. Wear a hairpiece or dentures?
  63. Be double-crossed by a friend or beat up by a stranger?
  64. Have a runny nose or a stuffed-up nose?
  65. Be a librarian or a chemist?
  66. Scratch a chalkboard or bite down on tinfoil?
  67. Work outside with your hands or indoors behind a desk?
  68. Get caught cheating or lying?
  69. Be a teacher or a student?
  70. Be misunderstood or misinformed?
  71. Be asked out by someone you don’t like or be turned down by someone you do like?
  72. Be a blonde or a redhead?
  73. Live in a tent in the desert or in Antarctica?
  74. Be a doctor or a lawyer?
  75. Read a book or play a video game?
  76. Travel by bus or by train?
  77. Die in a plane wreck or die of pneumonia?
  78. Eat a Big Mac or a Whopper?
  79. Throw up or hiccup for 24 hours?
  80. Be a mouse or a lion?
  81. Be blind or mute?
  82. Have $100 a week for the rest of your life or $50,000 now?
  83. Own a Ford or a Chevy?
  84. Eat cake or ice cream?
  85. Date a Christian or a non-Christian?
  86. Skip the next year of your life or live the last one again?
  87. Own a dog or a cat?
  88. Be a star basketball player or a star football player?
  89. Be a teacher or a preacher?
  90. Be a bum who has to beg or a person on welfare?
  91. Own a home in the mountains or a home on the beach?
  92. Be known for your smarts or for your personality?
  93. Be known for your looks or for you personality?
  94. Be known for your looks or for your smarts?
  95. Have more money than time or more time than money?
  96. Go to the mall or to a swap meet?
  97. Look stupid or be stupid?
  98. Play a sport or watch the sport?
  99. Have a friend get mad at you or a stranger get mad at you?
  100. Have 10 children or no children?
  101. Be an only child or one of 10 children?
  102. Be friends with Gideon or Samson?
  103. Be known as a Pharisee or a publican?