1. Walked on stilts?
  2. Eaten cow tongue or heart?
  3. Helped an animal give birth?
  4. Eaten two raw oysters?
  5. Been to a professional world championship game?
  6. Written a letter to the editor?
  7. Climbed a tree to rescue a cat?
  8. Played catch with a raw egg?
  9. Kept a piece of chewed gum overnight and chewed it again?
  10. Kept a diary for more than a year?
  11. Had a wart removed?
  12. Tried on a straight jacket?
  13. Been to a morgue?
  14. Given blood?
  15. Shot flies with a rubber band?
  16. Had an IV administered?
  17. Eaten frog legs?
  18. Colored your hair?
  19. Written a letter of more than 10 pages?
  20. Had frostbite that caused blisters?
  21. Experienced an outdoor temperature under -20°F?
  22. Made butter?
  23. Made ice cream by hand?
  24. Appeared on television?
  25. Touched a live electric fence?
  26. Been in a vehicle traveling over 100 mph?
  27. Saved someone’s life?
  28. Ridden in a car for 24 hours straight?
  29. Seen an iceberg?
  30. Smashed an alarm clock?
  31. Stayed in a hospital for more than seven days?
  32. Had a blind date?
  33. Had a root canal?
  34. Fired a compound bow?
  35. Been to five different countries?
  36. Seen an active volcano?
  37. Been chased by an animal? (excluding humans and dogs)
  38. Gone a week without using deodorant?
  39. Stayed up for 48 consecutive hours?
  40. Drunk a cold cup of coffee?
  41. Found more than $25 in cash?
  42. Written a poem?
  43. Flown first class?
  44. Speared a fish?
  45. Slept outdoors for more than a week?
  46. Fired a .44 magnum pistol?
  47. Knitted a sweater?
  48. Climbed a mountain over 12,000 feet high?
  49. Fallen through ice at least to your waist?
  50. Milked a cow?
  51. Crossed the equator?
  52. Broken a bone?
  53. Been near death?
  54. Been transported as a patient in an ambulance?
  55. Run over a dog?
  56. Played a musical instrument in front of an audience (not family)?
  57. Ridden in a Rolls Royce?
  58. Ridden in a limousine?
  59. Been to the opera?
  60. Been to a pro game in at least three sports?