This important part of counseling must not be under-emphasized, or the effectiveness of solid counseling will be undermined. No camper will open up to a counselor who has not taken the time to be his friend; this is winning the right to be heard, for we will always value the advice of a friend. How can you as a counselor win the right to be heard?

  1. Be a good listener.
    Find out the interests of the various campers and do what you can to promote their interests.
  2. Be available.
    Let the campers know that you are looking forward to being with them for the week. This availability is best shown in attitude, not mere words.
  3. Bear with the campers in their idiosyncrasies.
    Sometimes it is easy for us adults to look down our noses at some of the attitudes and interests of the campers. This will hinder our ministry with them.
  4. Exercise tough love.
    Campers want to look at you as their leader. They expect you to act like a leader and not one of the group. This is sometimes hard for young leaders.
  5. Be prayerful.
    Only God can prepare the hearts of these campers, so pray that He will give you opportunities to speak one-on-one with your campers. Pray for each camper by name.
  6. Be positive.
    When you live before these campers, let the love of the Lord Jesus shine brightly through you.
  7. Be yourself.
    Don’t try to copy another’s personality. Let the Holy Spirit individually direct your abilities to be used to present the Savior.