
  1. Not every problem is a discipline problem; some problems are personal.
  2. Problems develop when a situation deviates from God’s will.
  3. Most problems involve improper actions, words, thoughts, and attitudes.

General Principles

  1. Every problem has a solution.
  2. Youth problems are usually an extension of home problems.
  3. Don’t ever expect teenagers to act like adults. They’re not adults; they’re teens.
  4. Teenagers are in the process of developing their Christian character.
  5. The Bible teaches individual responsibility for personal action no matter what the circumstances and how many others are involved.
  6. The Bible teaches the general principle of judgment for sin and reward for obedience.
  7. Don’t allow problems to get by just because “everyone’s doing it.”
  8. Remember your many-sided responsibility.
    1. To the individual
    2. To God
    3. To his parents
    4. To the church
    5. To the whole group
    6. To Ironwood
  9. Remember that man is basically sinful.
  10. Continued behavioral problems reveal a deeper personal problem.
  11. Teenagers push against authority to see how far they can go. They want to find a firm authority and boundary.
  12. Organize to avoid problems.
  13. Separate the offense from the offender. Love the offender.
  14. Determine whether or not the problem was the result of rebellion, thoughtlessness, or carelessness.

Proper Action and Attitudes

  1. Pray first. Ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment.
  2. No action should be taken before all information from all sides is gathered.
  3. Never take one person’s word against another’s. Get a confession.
  4. Deal hardest with acts of disobedience, rather than thoughtlessness and poor judgment.
  5. Make the person look at you while you talk.
  6. Don’t get mad or excited.
  7. Don’t make hasty decisions, but don’t delay when a decision is needed.
  8. In a multitude of counselors, there is safety. When appropriate, use a committee; personal counseling should be personal.
  9. The punishment should be swift, definite, and appropriate.
  10. From the Bible, show them God’s opinion of the his action.
  11. True repentance is evidenced by restitution and confession to all injured parties.
  12. Don’t bring it up to the camper again, but think, “What can I do or change so this won’t happen again?”